Fulfilling Your Audio Needs

Trans Production has serve the needs of Audio Production in Indonesia advertising industry since 1992. We have been trusted by many advertising agencies and production houses to be partners in creating TV Commercials, Radio Commercials, Company Profile, Jingles, Interactive Voice Response, Audiobooks, and other audio products. We believe that our vast experience in audio production will help us in understanding your needs and serve you better. Supported by experienced sound engineer and state of the art technology, we strive to give you the best in fulfilling your audio needs.

New Trans Production Studio

Starting September 15th, 2008, we've moved to a more strategic location, closer to the CBD/Semanggi area (and hopefully closer to your office), with more variety of gourmet delight and as always ready 24 hours to accommodate your audio needs.

Our new office details are:
Trans Production
(PT. Swara Ratu Indonesia)
Jl. Penjernihan II No. 1B
Bendungan Hilir
Jakarta Pusat 10210
Tel. 021-57950888 (Hunting)
Fax. 021-5737818
CP : Justinus Bramanto Farich
Mobile : 0818986803

We look forward to meeting you in our brand new studio.